Local Infrastructure Hub

The Hub helps local leaders navigate and understand the large quantities of information from the federal government on the nearly 400 funding opportunities available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) . And it will help cities and towns develop competitive funding applications that are most likely to be awarded federal grants. There will be a special focus on helping traditionally underserved cities and towns. Click the link below to access the Hub's website, sign up for updates, and tap into valuable local strategic BIL resources.
Workforce Development and the Hub
On Tuesday, November 29th the latest session of the Local Infrastructure Hub celebrated the One-year Anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Workforce Opportunities and Strategies. The session focused on workforce development opportunities in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that will improve job quality nationwide, and outlined key strategies for local leaders to tap into workforce funding opportunities. Many mayors and leading policy experts including the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina M. Raimondo, joined the session to share critical insights on successful workforce programs and emerging best practices and partnerships that can drive effective workforce strategies at the local level.

Register Now: Blending and Braiding BIL and IRA Funding Streams for Green Infrastructure Projects
The historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act provide an unprecedented opportunity for cities to invest in green infrastructure and create safer, more equitable, and more sustainable communities.
Building from discussions held during our 91st Winter Meeting last week, please join us for our next Local Infrastructure Hub session on Tuesday, January 31, at 2pm ET focused on Blending and Braiding BIL and IRA Funding Streams for Green Infrastructure Projects.
Federal partners, policy experts, and mayors from across the country will join us to discuss how cities can use funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act together to accelerate green infrastructure projects and work toward their climate goals. More details on speakers will be shared soon.
Strengthening Workforce Development in Your City Through BIL Funding
To further assist local policy makers with strategically utilizing and implementing BIL funds to bolster their city's workforce, the Hub developed 5 winning strategies for leveraging Bipartisan Infrastructure Law dollars to meet workforce development and job creation goals in your city. Click the link below to gain access to these strategies.